Friday, August 24, 2012

No Recipe Choc-chip Cookies

I made these gooey, hot deliciousness with my brother. After craving a whole morning for choc-chip cookies, I finally jumped on the internet to search for the world's best choc-chip cookie recipe. Yep, the world's best. All recipes looked too familiar and pretty much the same as each other so my brother suggested that we don't look up a recipe and make up our own "world's best recipe". Bowls, spoons, various ingredients were used and we literally, no really. We literally just did what we felt like. We just pured who knows how much flour in a bowl, added butter, sugar and what not in until we thought it was a pretty good consistency! It was so much fun and this was how them babies turned out:

Who says we need to follow exact recipes precisely? But when in doubt, just chuck in HUGE chunks of chocolate. You just can't go wrong there, when all you're tasting is sweet, sweet chocolate!

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